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Excerpts of My Story. Because My Story is Worth Sharing.


I'm Callie, an introverted, nature loving realist that likes to speak my mind.....

I also have chronic depression.

I am not ashamed, I am not broken, and I am not weak.

But the truth is, 4 years ago I couldn't say any of those things.... and the whole truth is that, sometimes, right now, I can't even say these things.

4 years ago I couldn't even admit that I was depressed, and I wouldn't have believed that having a positive future was possible.

I've come a long ways, but it wasn't easy, and it isn't over.

^ I feel like myself here. No fake smiles, or pretending that my life is perfect.

I'm sharing the things I've written along the way.

Maybe you can relate. If so, I hope you know that someone out there understands you, that you aren't alone, it isn't your fault, and that you aren't broken.

Maybe you know someone fighting depression, but don't really understand. Maybe reading my experiences and feelings will help you love that person better.

You are the reason I didn't give up on myself. The reason that I'm here, writing today. Fighting depression for myself wasn't worth it. But fighting so that someday I could help you, even just a little, was worth it.

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